New Year, New Beginning ~ 新的一年,新的開始
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot.
~ Walter Bagehot
A couple of the better ones |
Some updates:
My 3-month-old pearlies are 7cm to 8 cm long. They don't need a lot of my attention now that they are accustomed to bigger pellet food. I am glad that there are more fishes converging to my desired specifications. Pearl-like scaling for some of the better fishes has extended all the way to the peduncle joint.
Some seed fishes this year |
I had a few small spawns of TVR so far. The latest spawn was just four days ago while the first spawn was on 27th December 2012. Strictly speaking, by the Japanese classification, the fries in the first spawn should be Nisai this year as they were spawned last Year. What a way to lose their childhood like this :(
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