Thursday, June 7, 2012

Insanity ~ 瘋狂


~ 阿爾伯特•愛因斯坦

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

~ Albert Einstein

2012 Pearls - Many blue-browns 紫蘭花﹑五花龍睛珍珠鱗
I have never felt tired of breeding the Pearlscales and TVR all these years because every stage of progress becomes more and more challenging. Both breeds provide me with so much interesting insights about the Chinese and Japanese Goldfish Aquaculture. Sometimes, they can be so similar in different ways...  

I am extremely pleased with my Pearl breeding this year as I managed to revive the blue-brown morph that was once prevalent in my Pearl bloodline :))

Tosai 2012


Breeding the TVR

Breeding the TVR
Breeding and maintaining a bloodline of the Japanese TVR since 2003.

Goldfish Artwork

Goldfish Artwork
Marriage of 2 of my passions - Goldfish and Art.

Creating a New Variety

Creating a New Variety
My dream of creating a new variety of goldfish in 2006 has proven to be more than just an impulsive fantasy.

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