Friday, April 15, 2011

Trust & Integrity ~ 信譽

信譽就像一面鏡子 ..一旦打破,就永遠不一樣了...

Trust is like a mirror..once it is broken, you can never look at it the same again...
~ unknown

Its about time to foster a relationship of trust with the Ranchus. Hand-feeding is a routine practiced by the avid Ranchu fanciers to accustom the Ranchus to manhandling. For the Ranchu fanciers, nothing beats the joy of having a school of Ranchus wagging their tails and feeding off our hands. As mentioned in one of my earlier blog, hand feeding is also an important routine to train the Ranchus to get use to the intensive human presence and handling during the TVR competitions.

In fact, the spirit of friendship with emphasis in trust, integrity, respect and honour is highly regarded by some revered old Ranchu Masters in Japan. Sad to say, the lucrative TVR trades around the world have diluted much of the original teachings, even in the land of the Ranchus... :(

The video shows one of this year's BBR exhibiting the typical traits from the old Okayama bloodlines of 2002 ~ 2005 - longish head frame and "dragon cheek" funtan. This is an interesting piece with exaggerated features of well developed head and wide open tails, plump but yet swims with relatively good control! It is also a bulky babe (approx. 7.5cm) and has not completed colour change yet. I love the cute baby fats of the BBR... enjoying it as much as I could before it changes colour. Hopefully, it will not change for the worst under my care.

* PS: The date in the video is wrong... it should be 15th April. I think I am looking too much forward to the Aquarama 2011 :)


Breeding the TVR

Breeding the TVR
Breeding and maintaining a bloodline of the Japanese TVR since 2003.

Goldfish Artwork

Goldfish Artwork
Marriage of 2 of my passions - Goldfish and Art.

Creating a New Variety

Creating a New Variety
My dream of creating a new variety of goldfish in 2006 has proven to be more than just an impulsive fantasy.

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